FAQs - Beat PCOS with Kym Campbell

Frequently Asked Questions

Membership Levels Explained
A Nourish membership is perfect for women wanting to focus primarily on how they’re eating. This membership level is also essential for anyone who’s been scarred by dieting in the past and wants to improve their relationship with food.

Nourish participants receive:

  • My customizable meal planning service throughout the duration of the Program [?]
  • A pre-populated default meal plan which users can customize to suit their personal preferences [?]
  • An automatic shopping list generator based on the changes you’ve made to your meal plan [?]
  • 360+ carefully developed and tested PCOS-friendly recipes [?]
  • Product recommendations (with no affiliate links) [?]
  • PCOS nutrition lessons including comprehensive food guides [?]
  • Emotional Eating Module [?]
  • Sugar Rehab Module [?]
  • Tips, tricks, and group challenges [?]
  • Access to the Program Facebook Group during the Program and an invite to the Alumni Facebook Group afterward [?]
  • Daily access to Kym via the Facebook Group and email [?]
  • Alumni Repeat Special [?]
A Thrive membership is the ultimate, immersive experience for women wanting to address the multiple lifestyle factors affecting PCOS.

While diet is by far the biggest lever we can pull to manage our symptoms, because PCOS is primarily an inflammation-mediated disorder, exercise and stress management can make a world of difference too. By hitting all three of these interventions at once, participants fast-track the time needed to transform their health and optimize fertility.

As well as receiving the same great content as the Nourish package, a Thrive membership also includes:

  • An extra 100 exclusive recipes within the meal planner’s recipe index. These extra recipes are also available if you purchase the meal planner as a stand alone service at any point in the future.
  • My PCOS exercise program, which is particularly well-suited for women without an established exercise habit [?]
  • My Emotional Wellness module to tackle the psychological challenges of living with PCOS [?]
  • A 4-ebook bundle, which includes my 3 recipe ebooks and my comprehensive PCOS Supplements Guide [?]
  • A 50% lifetime discount to my monthly meal planning service. [?]
Can I change membership levels after I make my purchase?
You can upgrade your membership once you have made your purchase, you’ll just need to get in touch via email to let us know which level you’d like to upgrade to. Unfortunately though it is not possible to downgrade your membership level, so please ensure you choose the option that suits you best.
Meal Planning Platform Questions
The Kym Campbell Meal Planner Explained
My meal planning platform is a stand-alone service available on a monthly basis to anyone pursuing better health or fertility. All 10-Week Program participants gain access to this platform throughout the duration of the Program.

The intention behind this service is to provide ongoing support to Program participants as they continue to implement a PCOS-friendly diet. The meal planner is also suitable for women looking for a more DIY solution to their PCOS, and just want help with recipes, planning, and grocery shopping.

The meal planner includes:

  • A pre-populated default meal plan which users can customize to suit their personal preferences [?]
  • 360+ carefully developed and tested PCOS-friendly recipes [?]
  • Product recommendations (with no affiliate links) [?]
  • A food-focused community forum

Users are able to select their favorite recipes, varying quantities, and change ingredients as needed with all edits flowing through to the automatic shopping list generator.

The online community for the meal planner is a place where people can share tips, swap ideas, suggest new products or recipes, and chat about each week’s new exclusive recipe or upcoming meal plan.

Meal planner subscribers (who are not currently participating in a 10-Week Program) are also invited to take part in quarterly “challenges” to keep up motivation and to promote accountability. Topics vary with each challenge.

Learn more about the meal planner here.

I’m already on a monthly subscription to the meal planner. Can I pause my subscription while I do the Program?
Yes. Your meal planner subscription payments will be automatically paused when the Beat PCOS 10-Week Program starts (as the meal planner is included as part of the Program). Once the Program ends, your meal plan subscription will be activated again. All customizations that you have done on the meal planning platform will stay throughout this process. Your meal planner subscription will continue seamlessly at the end of the Program as long as the payment method on file remains active.
Can I keep using the meal planning platform after the Program ends?
Unfortunately, access to the website itself and the meal planning platform will close after the 10 weeks are over. However, you can sign-up again for $34 if you want to do the entire Program again, or you can purchase a monthly membership to my meal planning service which I describe above.
Do the recipes that are not really recipes (like Veggie Sticks) count as a recipe I’m paying for in the meal planner?
I’ve had some complaints in the past about my non-recipe recipes. These are things like cut tomatoes, veggie sticks, and canned sardines. I get it, these aren’t “real” recipes and I want to make it clear that these do not “count” towards the recipes included in your recipe index. They are only included in the recipe index to enable me or you to add them to your meal plan, and thus have the ingredients included in your shopping list.
My 90-Day 100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee
What’s the deal with refunds?
Any enrollment in my 10-Week Program comes with a 100% unconditional, 90-day, money-back guarantee*. If after following my guidance you don’t see and feel the difference, then I’ll return your full enrollment fee – no questions asked within 90 days of purchase.

Learn More About My 90-Day 100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee >

The $34 Alumni Repeat Special
Can I do the Program again and what is the cost?
While all of the Program content is 100% downloadable, many past Program participants loved the meal planning platform, content, and community support so much they’ve signed up multiple times.

There’s a ton of stuff crammed into this 10-Week Program, so many women who want to take things at a slower pace prefer to work on just one aspect at a time. It’s common for participants to focus primarily on the dietary aspects first, since this is the most effective intervention, and then come back a second, third, or even fourth time to explore the exercise and emotional wellness modules within the group environment. Others find they simply want to double-down on their meal planning and find the accountability and support of the Program especially motivating.

This is a lifelong journey after all, and for some women being part of this community is a great way to find their new balance until they’re 100% confident they can cope on their own. It’s important to understand that if you’ve had a bad relationship with food for most of your life, undoing all of the psychological effects can take several months longer than the length of this Program. With that in mind, I want to make it as easy as possible for you to keep on going which is why I’ve created the Alumni Repeat Special – so that you can repeat the Program for only a fraction of the cost.

Your success is my success and even if it takes all year, I’ll be with you all the way.

The Alumni Repeat Special works like this: at the end of the Program, I’ll send you a discount code that allows you to sign up again at the same membership level you originally signed up for. You can then repeat the Program as many times as you like (each time for $34).

Alternatively, if you just want access to the meal planning platform, you can purchase a subscription for that as long as you need it. See here for more information.

Questions about Food While on the Program
What foods will I normally be eating during the Program?
A quick summary of the food principles you will be following during the program include:

  • Eating as many nutrient dense whole foods as possible, especially vegetables
  • Fitting in lots of animal protein and healthy fats.
  • Low GI carbs limited according to your weight goals.
What if I am a vegetarian or vegan?
While I would absolutely love to support vegetarians and vegans (I was one myself for over ten years), advising how to obtain complete and sufficient nutrition on these diets is very complex. I’m not saying it can’t be done without meat, unfortunately, it’s just extremely complicated and requires personalized care beyond what I can deliver safely in a group setting. The meal plans provided in the Program will recommend the regular consumption of fish, meat, and eggs as the scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of animal protein in combating PCOS is just too strong to ignore.
What if I am a picky eater?
I’m unashamedly a picky eater, so I totally understand that others need to have food choices too. My appreciation that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all meal plan is exactly why I have included an extensive recipe index within the meal planning platform.

My customizable meal planning platform gives you the ultimate in flexibility with your food as you’re able to:

  • Search for recipes using a range of culinary and dietary exclusion criteria
  • Swap individual meal components (meat, carbs and vegetables)
  • Modify the number of servings on a meal-by-meal basis
  • Exchange whole recipes for others you prefer instead
  • Add/delete and edit individual items in your shopping list

Click here to learn more about how the meal planner works.

What foods will I not be allowed to eat during the Program?
During the Program we will be intentionally avoiding gluten (wheat), dairy products, soy, sugar, and high GI carbohydrates like potatoes, rice, pasta, breads, and breakfast cereal. I also encourage you to completely quit coffee and alcohol if you’re up for the challenge (see below for more). While food intolerances and allergies are unique for everyone, eliminating these food items strikes the right balance between simplicity and efficacy, as well as trying to make the Program achievable for as many people as possible.
Does quitting these foods mean giving them up forever?
Yes and no. Sugar and high GI carbs are something you would be best to avoid permanently. While this might sound horrendous right now, what you will find is that once you’ve gone through my Sugar Rehab module you won’t actually WANT them. This is what happens when you successfully quit sugar!

The same goes for high GI carbs. After you’ve been off them for a while, you’re likely to find that when you do have them, you don’t feel as well afterward, especially as you become more in tune with how your body responds to these foods. This makes staying away from these foods as easy psychologically as avoiding uncooked chicken.

The no part of the answer is for gluten and dairy. These potentially inflammatory foods are only a problem for women with PCOS when they have an intolerance to them. If you find out that you don’t actually have an intolerance (by cutting them out of your diet for the duration of the Program) then you should be fine to reintroduce these into your diet once the Program ends. I’ll go into this in greater detail during the Nutrition Sessions.

Will I be able to eat fruit?
You sure will. But maybe not in the quantities you’re used to. My fruit recommendations are generally limited to one to two servings per day, and I give you all the information you need to stick to low fructose fruits in my comprehensive Fresh Fruit Guide.
Do I have to give up coffee?
Thanks to all the many compounds contained within coffee beans in addition to just the caffeine, scientific evidence supports both sides of the coffee decision for women with PCOS. In my view, the cons of coffee generally outweigh the benefits which is why I don’t drink it, but this assessment ignores the significance and value you place on enjoying this beverage.

Coffee causes more problems in some women than it does in others which I’ll explain further in the Program. My goal is to present you with the facts, so that you can decide for yourself if and how you choose to include coffee in your PCOS-friendly lifestyle.

What about alcohol?
There’s clear scientific evidence demonstrating that women with PCOS have higher rates of liver disease independent of being overweight, or having insulin resistance. Even small amounts of alcohol consumption have been associated with liver disease in women with PCOS.

With this in mind, quitting alcohol is clearly a very advisable and sensible recommendation I promote during the Program. However, that said, drinking alcohol can be really fun and we don’t want our PCOS completely affecting our social lives! I personally find the risk of having a glass of red wine every now and then acceptable to me, and I encourage Program participants to find the balance that’s right for them too.

What to Expect During the Program
How much of my time each week will the program take up?
For Thrive memberships a typical week includes:

  • Approximately 1.5 hours of lessons and practice exercises provided in both spoken audio format as well as full-text downloads.
  • Optional homework exercises and weekly challenges that help you implement the week’s key learning outcomes (allow half an hour per week).
  • Approximately 2.5 hours of workouts spread over 4 days each week.

All lessons are offered as podcast-style audio downloads as well as full-text scripts so you can easily fit the Program into your day. Listen while you walk, drive, or do the housework!

Nourish members can expect to require approximately an hour each week to complete the lesson content.

Can I do the program with my family?
Absolutely, and I strongly encourage you to include them on your journey!

While I call the recipes in the Program “PCOS-friendly”, they really are incredibly healthy for anyone, it’s just that women with PCOS benefit even more than others from this type of diet.

ANYONE will become healthier if they follow the food principles, exercise guidelines, and emotional wellness techniques I teach in the Program. My husband is on a 100% PCOS-friendly diet, and he definitely doesn’t have PCOS, but he has had huge improvements to his weight, cholesterol, and emotional health since making the switch. So have others in my family who have made similar changes to their diet after seeing the dramatic improvements in my health. The great news is that the more you can involve your family the healthier everyone will be!

What if I don’t have a lot of time to prepare meals?
Similar to the 30-Day Challenge, the 10-Week Program includes plenty of quick and simple recipes because I know how busy you are!

I generally develop the meal plan around a normal working week, with the more elaborate and time-consuming meals scheduled on weekends. With the comprehensive recipe index and the fully customizable meal plan you’ll have complete control over how much time you spend in the kitchen.

How is this different from the 30-Day Challenge?
It’s clear from the science that the three most important lifestyle interventions for treating PCOS are diet, exercise, and stress management. The 30-Day Challenge is intended as an introductory program for the first of these treatments while the 10-Week Program seeks to cover all three in detail.

The 30-Day Challenge is great preparation for the more comprehensive 10-Week Program. It can be pretty overwhelming when you first try to prepare three PCOS friendly meals a day. The 30-Day Challenge gives you a chance to build up to this level so that the longer, more intensive 10-Week Program, feels more manageable.

Another difference is that 10-Week Program participants take a much deeper dive into the topic of nutrition. By the end of the 10 weeks, Program participants have a deep understanding of every PCOS diet principle. They understand the “why” behind all of their dietary decisions, and are able to create their own perfect meal plans that suit their personal preferences. This sets them up to make fu