Program Modules Explained
Nutrition Sessions
The goal of this module is to use nutrition science to help you better understand how your diet impacts your PCOS. In my experience, the more you understand the reasons behind my recommendations, the easier it is to stick to them.
After completing the Nutrition Sessions you’ll have the knowledge you need to create your own perfect PCOS-friendly meal plans. Whether that means adapting recipes, selecting better ingredients, or being more intentional when eating out, you’ll be in a position to make the best possible decision under any circumstance.
- The Nutrition Sessions are delivered weekly as both downloadable audio tracks, and downloadable text. Each session is between 15 and 35 minutes long.
- You also have the option to stream the audio lessons from the website.
- Session specific downloadable files are provided with additional supplemental information to go with some sessions. Examples include a carbohydrate guide, published Glycemic indices for >1800 food items, a protein guide, and more.
- Approximately 100 scientific citations are included in these sessions.
Sugar Rehab
As you complete this module, you’ll experience a dramatic change in your relationship with sugar. Be warned, that by the end of Week 10, there’s a good chance that you’ll no longer enjoy sweet foods like you used to. My goal is to help you stay sugar-free for life and have you swap those tempting foods that are doing you no good for meaningful results you’ll be proud of.
- The Sugar Rehab module is delivered weekly as both downloadable audio tracks, and in downloadable full text. Each session is between 10 and 35 minutes long.
- You also have the option to stream the audio lessons from the website.
- Session specific downloadable files are provided with additional supplemental information to go with some sessions. Examples include an emotional eating exercise, and a guide to both fresh and dried fruits.
- Approximately 30 scientific citations are included in these sessions.
Intuitive Eating
If you go through periods where there’s a lot of tension between you and what you eat, or you have trouble avoiding sugar, gluten, or other unhelpful foods without feeling deprived, then this module is a must-do.
- The Intuitive Eating module is a series of weekly audio-based lessons where I describe the 10 principles of Intuitive Eating within the context of a PCOS diagnosis and the other great habits you learn elsewhere in the program. Each session is between 10 and 30 minutes long.
- Lessons are available as audio downloads or you can stream them via the program website.
- A full text transcript has been provided also for those who like to read along.
- This module also includes weekly guided exercises to help you develop the skills needed to become an intuitive eater. The lessons explain the what’s and why’s of intuitive eating, while the guided exercises show you how.
Emotional Wellness
The Emotional Wellness module covers a wide range of evidenced-based approaches that promote emotional wellness and stress reduction. Topics covered include cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness meditation, and related methodologies which have all been proven to help with stress, low self-esteem, anxiety, mood swings, and depression.
After completing the Emotional Wellness module you’ll have new skills to help in your pursuit of happiness. You’ll also be better prepared to manage all manner of emotional distress.
- The Emotional Wellness module is delivered weekly as both downloadable audio tracks, and in full downloadable text. Each session is between 15 and 40 minutes long.
- You also have the option to stream the audio lessons from the website.
- Session specific downloadable audio and text files with guided exercises are also provided for some sessions. Examples include mindfulness meditation tracks, CBT-based journaling exercises, and more.
- Approximately 60 scientific citations are included in these sessions.
Exercise Module
In the Exercise Module I explain both the physical and emotional benefits of exercise, as well as the best kinds of exercise you can do to manage your symptoms. As well as educational lessons, this module includes a complete PCOS-friendly workout program that is directed at women who currently do not have a regular exercise regime or are looking for a new one.
After completing the Exercise Module you’ll be in the habit of exercising in a way that supports the great work you’re doing elsewhere in this program.
- There are four Exercise Information Sessions delivered throughout the program as both downloadable audio tracks, and in downloadable full text.
- You also have the option to stream the audio lessons from the website.
- Weekly progressive resistance training, and yoga videos are available for download or can be streamed via the website.
- New interval training workouts are released fortnightly as downloadable guided exercises.
- Approximately 20 scientific citations are included in the Exercise Information Sessions.
Weekly Challenges
In your Challenge Toolkit module you’ll find various guides on how to complete the challenges which include tips on how to get your family involved, better snacking, managing cravings, how to clean out your kitchen, and much more.