How I Beat PCOS & Infertility By Losing 30 lbs *
Alisha P’s PCOS Pregnancy Success Story
I turned them down and started looking for a better solution.
After doing my own research, I signed up for Kym’s 10 Week Program. I began completely changing the way I was eating. I learned what a balanced meal really is and started making time to cook healthy dishes. I cut so much sugar out of my lifestyle (except PCOS friendly desserts), and I made time to exercise. I also went to see a functional practitioner and she helped guide me with a few vitamin supplements to take.
Being educated on what food can actually do to your body was really helpful, and knowing the why behind what I was doing made me more motivated. One of the most important aspects though, was feeling like I had accountability through the online community. Having others who were experiencing the same thing and were supporting me was really valuable. I stayed positive and doing Kym’s program really helped me to focus on my reason why.
My lifestyle changed dramatically. I went from having no energy to having tons of energy. I lost 30 pounds, and I started feeling great about myself. My skin definitely cleared up, and my hormone blood tests were coming back normal. I noticed various things about my body as well such as not having knee pain or swollen joints. I kept exercising, planning, and making sure I added vegetables to every meal with a low GI carbohydrate.
About a month into starting Kym’s 10 Week Program, I regained a normal period. This was great considering I had not had a period for about 8 months or so. I was able to go off Provera, and a few weeks after completing the program I fell pregnant naturally – just the way I’d always hoped for.
My husband and I had been trying to conceive for almost 2 years and it was such a blessing to finally be pregnant. I had refused to ever except that I might not be able to have children because I knew that God and my faith was greater.
My plans now are to get back on track once I give birth in a few weeks. I want to continue to be gluten free, cut more sugar out of my lifestyle, and get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I plan on accomplishing this by returning to the basics of the Kym’s 10 Week Program. I’m probably going to complete the program again at some point because it’s so helpful having the support of the community.
I truly believe that all things are possible if we choose to believe. Taking steps in the right direction is so important, and if you fall try again. I found the commitment a little challenging at first but it’s the why that motivates you. Stay committed and believe in yourself. God is so faithful.

I turned them down and started looking for a better solution.
After doing my own research, I signed up for Kym’s 10 Week Program. I began completely changing the way I was eating. I learned what a balanced meal really is and started making time to cook healthy dishes. I cut so much sugar out of my lifestyle (except PCOS friendly desserts), and I made time to exercise. I also went to see a functional practitioner and she helped guide me with a few vitamin supplements to take.

My lifestyle changed dramatically. I went from having no energy to having tons of energy. I lost 30 pounds, and I started feeling great about myself. My skin definitely cleared up, and my hormone blood tests were coming back normal. I noticed various things about my body as well such as not having knee pain or swollen joints. I kept exercising, planning, and making sure I added vegetables to every meal with a low GI carbohydrate.
About a month into starting Kym’s 10 Week Program, I regained a normal period. This was great considering I had not had a period for about 8 months or so. I was able to go off Provera, and a few weeks after completing the program I fell pregnant naturally – just the way I’d always hoped for.

My plans now are to get back on track once I give birth in a few weeks. I want to continue to be gluten free, cut more sugar out of my lifestyle, and get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I plan on accomplishing this by returning to the basics of the Kym’s 10 Week Program. I’m probably going to complete the program again at some point because it’s so helpful having the support of the community.
I truly believe that all things are possible if we choose to believe. Taking steps in the right direction is so important, and if you fall try again. I found the commitment a little challenging at first but it’s the why that motivates you. Stay committed and believe in yourself. God is so faithful.
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